
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Veggie's Don't Have To Suck!

I am a recovering veggie hater. I grew up in a 7-11. no, I mean literally. My parents worked there and I went with them in the afternoons.  Not a lot of fresh produce in those stores in the late 70's. My toxic love affair with Cheezy Puffs began there. But there was a killer Elton John pinball machine and I became a DEFENDER champ.

I am a MOODY FOODIE. I love to eat especially if I'm having a (GASP!) emotions. That plan has not made my happy (shocking!)  So, I am seeing a dietitian and we are working on a plan that gets me to eat yummy comforting food and lose weight. Who knew good food could make you feel good about yourself?? Oh, wait, EVERYONE!

There is this little voice who tells me how I SHOULD be doing everything. A very judgey, perfect, macrobiotic, know it all, size zero gym lunk. Basically if Gwenyth Paltrow and Martha Stewart had a baby. I call her Prissy Perfect. Prissy says veggies are only worthy if they are organic, raw and make your soul weep for their flavorless health benefits.  Prissy is kind of an idiot.

Here are some tips that have helped me add tasty wholesome veggies to my food. I now look forward to my broccoli slaw eggs in the morning and wonder how I ever made it this far without roasted cauliflower in my tummy.

1. Chop til you drop.  Crush those suckers until they are so small, you will have no idea there is fiber filling earth grown goodness in your food.  I have one of those slap chops and its great to take out aggression on it. Sometimes I get my big Santoku knife and pretend I am a Food Network host and chop and slice my veggies while practicing my big square Giada smile. Prepackaged chopped veggies are awesome!  Trader Joe's has my favorite Brocooli Slaw and Shaved Brussels Sprouts. Diced sauteed green pepers and onions are the base for nearly every dinner I make.

2. Season with abandon. Prissy says salt and oil are bad for you. The fact is sodium in a bag a cheezy puffs and fried mushrooms are bad for you. A sprinkle of Kosher or Sea salt is heaven. One tablespoon of coconut or olive oil is heart healthy. I add real salt, course ground pepper, dried basil and ton of garlic to every dish. A pinch of nutmeg brings out sweetness. Experiment or try these on for size:

ArtichokesParsley, bay leaves, coriander, paprika
AsparagusDill, marjoram, nutmeg, rosemary
BeetrootPepper, coriander, thyme, dill, chives, ginger, cloves, sage
BroccoliGarlic, marjoram, nutmeg
Brussels SproutsRosemary, parsley, caraway, nutmeg, oregano, marjoram
CabbageBay leaves, garlic, curry, marjoram, nutmeg, chives, parsley
CarrotsParsley, basil, curry, chives, sage, thyme
CauliflowerBasil, dill, mace, ginger, curry, nutmeg, oregano, coriander, mint
Courgette or zucchiniGarlic, basil, parsley, oregano
CucumberRosemary, dill, mustard, pepper, basil, chives
EggplantGarlic, parsley, mint, sage, curry, basil, rosemary, oregano
Green beansGarlic, basil, dill, nutmeg, pepper
LeeksMustard, parsley, dill, bay leaves, thyme, paprika, celery salt
LettuceBasil, chives, thyme, tarragon, dill, parsley
MushroomsOlives, ginger, cumin, parsley, thyme
OnionsPaprika, celery salt, pepper, coriander, basil, garlic, marjoram, sage
PeasTarragon, mint, parsley, nutmeg, sage, marjoram, basil
PotatoesGarlic, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, rosemary, thyme
SilverbeetNutmeg, basil, coriander, sage, marjoram, bay leaves, garlic, rosemary
TomatoesBasil, tarragon, garlic, chives, dill, mint, oregano, paprika, fennel, parsley, thyme

3. COOK THOSE SUCKERS!  I roast or saute nearly every veggie I eat, with the exception of salads. My dietitian tells me to calm down about fresh. I hate raw veggies and cooking them is not bad for them. Eating a roasted broccoli spear is waaaaay better than not eating it at all. I roast and saute in Trader Joe's Coconut Oil Spray until tender, almost mushy.

4. Turn them into noodles.  Yep, noodles. A julienne peeler can be your new best friend.  I take Zucchini and squash and julienne them into noodle shapes. Then I saute or even boil them for a few minutes. I add a Laughing Cow cheese wedge, garlic and basil, tsp of parmesan, and some diced chicken for chicken 'alfredo'. Amazingly comforting. Use a regular peeler to make eggplant noodles for lasagna or faux pappardelle.

5. Turn them into chips.  Kale, jicama, sweet potatoes, you name it. Generally I like softer veggies unless it's converted into a faux lay's chip. Great post with recipes here: Veggie Chip recipes from Hufpo

6. Frozen Veggies are A-OKAY. Prissy says frozen veggies lose nutrients and should be avoided.  Again, eating a veggie is GOOD no matter the form ( well, not covered in cheese sauce and a stick of butter) Chop them even smaller if you are like me and you not only save money and time, but calories! Click here for info on frozen veggies. The Health Benefits of Frozen Mixed Vegetables

7. Potatoes and carrots are veggies. This may sound obvious to you, but for years I avoided them because they are 'starchy'. But I like them. But Prissy tells me they are carbs and carbs are the enemy.  It's not until I talked to my dietitian that I began to see that POTATOES COME FROM THE EARTH AND THINGS FROM THE EARTH ARE WHOLESOME. Mind blown. Read here for benefits of our starchy faves. What Are the Benefits of Starchy Vegetables?

So I hope this helps you get onto the veggie train. Try one new veggie or process at a time! It's good for you and will make you feel good about yourself, and that, my friend, is the whole point!

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